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Classes Begin

Hello!!! Thank you for registering! We are so glad you are here! HERE is a TON of info for the year, so take your time :) 

COMPANY VISION - We love our family-friendly, modest, dance studio! Here is the entire parent slide show with all links including our vision and expectations: Parent meeting slideshow


FIRST DAY EXPECTATIONS- Most of our classes are located at BFHS (18869 E Germann Rd). Pay attention on this schedule:      where your class is located. The dance room is in building C (the fine arts building) and there is an exterior door by the parking lot for drop off and pick up. The cafeteria will be for tumbling, hip hop and a few other classes! 

Our Teenies 2 class and Tinies class are located at my home: 1096 W Via de Arboles 85140 in the detached garage. We will be awaiting your arrival and will roll up the door to let you in :) 

** Parents should consider just dropping the kids off. If you feel you need to stay, that's alright! Historically kids do better once parents are gone. 

Have your dancer wear a leo or tight tank to show alignment. She can pair that with biker shorts, leggings or a dance skirt and tights! Bring dance shoes if you have them. 


FREESTYLE DATESCLICK HERE *password: fdcdancerinfo. Please put all dates in your calendar, especially the breaks, competitions, recitals and performances!  Attendance is super important :) (please see the section labeled "BACK ROW POLICY")


TUITION- Tuition will typically come out on the 1st of each month. Your August tuition was charged today. If you have an issue with your account we will be reaching out. Our first performance is October 26th at BFHS Spooktacular! We did decide to give a 25% off discount in December due to the shortened month. We will have class the first week and rehearsal and recital the second week of December :) 


COMMUNICATION- Download the BAND App and connect with us for communication! Join our ‘Freestyle Dance Co’ group on the BAND app.
Get updates and stay connected!


FDC STORE AND REQUIRED ITEMS  This page: Clothing requirements and costume payment grid  explains first what clothing items are required and which are recommended for the year. We will open the store very soon and send the link when it's open!    


PERFORMANCE COSTUMES/ COMPETITION FEES: The payment schedule will inform you how the payments will be taken out of your account for the additional costume and competition fees as well as a breakdown of what the fees are used for. We charge $75 per costume. You will also see a $25 recital fee as well as competition fees. 

Fees will be applied and deducted from your Account. Fundraisers should directly correlate. 

 FUNDRAISING- We are working on this piece and always looking for ideas and parent help to allow the kids to fundraise for those extra experiences. Reach out with any help you can offer! 


PARENT VOLUNTEERS: We could always use a little help! We'd love help with decorating for concerts, fundraising, dress rehearsals, and even putting together a service project! If you'd like to help, please sign up here: Parent Volunteers



- Back Row Policy:  This is an attendance policy applying to their team class. Each student is given one absence per semester. On the second absence- they are moved to a "back-row" While in the back row, they have the opportunity to reclaim their spot in the dance. Spots are left open for the practice they miss and the next one if they attend. Spots are closed on the second missed practice in a row. The "back row" is not IN the routine. This only applies to their choreography classes! We encourage attendance to tech and tumbling as well of course! 

- Dress Code: must wear a leotard to practice (any color is fine) with leggings, tights or shorts. Teenies and Tinies should have tap shoes and ballet shoes. All other levels should bring turners. Hip Hop classes can wear their own tennis shoes and are exempt from the leotard requirement. No bare midriffs, modest dance attire please! 

- Ballet is at least 50% of tech- just strengthening or emphasis on the fundamentals! We will be focusing on barre and center work in tech before moving on to across the floors. 



You can manage your account on your parent portal, just click on the link in the menu on our website! 



Let me know if you have questions! Looking forward to a great year with you all!

You made it to the end! Congratulations! Never hesitate to ask questions!  

July 17

Pom Prep

September 2

Labor Day - No Classes